Sacred Space
SHamanic Foundations
of Facilitation Training
For any questions or to discuss payment options, contact Greg at:
+1-360-773-5885 (WhatsApp) /
Welcome to Sacred Space, a 16-week shamanic practitioner training focusing on making you a deeply impactful facilitator for healing & reclamation
You’re ready to take your containers and ceremonies to the next level, providing your clients with more potent, long-lasting and profound healings and reclamations that benefit them long into the future.
You’ve been facilitating healing containers for a while now and while your clients do see some benefits from your sessions, you have a feeling you could be offering them more, taking them deeper and providing the space for them to truly reconnect with their heart.
The truth is… its not another modality or technique that is going to provide your clients with this deeper healing experience. While techniques can be great, you know it is something much deeper than that… Something energetic that you haven’t quite been able to touch yet, but you know is there waiting for you to access.
Here’s the not-so-secret secret:
You can only take others to the depths (and heights) you’ve gone to within yourself.
This requires not just another technique for you to add to your facilitator tool belt, but a deeper level of embodiment of your unique Medicine as a facilitator and space-holder for healing containers.
This is what we provide in the
Sacred Space: Shamanic Foundations of Facilitation Training.
You’re ready to take people to greater depths, to provide more powerful healing, and to guide those in your containers to a greater awakening and embodiment of the Light that lives within them.
In Sacred Space: Shamanic Foundations of Facilitation Training, you will learn the ancient art of Shamanic Journeying as you journey around the Medicine Wheel, awakening the ancient wisdom, profound medicine and ever-lasting love that lives within the core of your Being.
Within you lives the Mysteries of the Universe, residing in every cell and atom within you. To access these Mysteries, to make sense of this wisdom and to share this medicine with others, with the intention of guiding them to their own realizations of the innate wisdom within them, is the shamanic path of service.
The wisdom received in these realms can be shared and manifest in infinite ways. However, if you are reading these words now, you’re feeling a deep calling to bring this wisdom into your containers, holding space for others to receive the deep healing and reclamations available from this work. You realize already that there are many layers to facilitation and you’re desiring to deepen your own craft, to elevate the healing that happens in your spaces and to increase the positive impact that your work has in the lives of those you guide and in the world at large.
If this is you, then Life has brought you to the right place. Through the 16 weeks of the Sacred Space: Shamanic Foundations of Facilitation Training, you will connect deeply to your own Medicine, remove any blockages towards standing in your power as a facilitator and ground deeply into your Soul essence so that you may guide others towards their own healing and reclamations.
As a facilitator, it is your connection to and pure embodiment of your Medicine that determines the impact of what others can receive in your ceremonial containers. If you've only explored the surface and haven’t allowed yourself to go deep into your Inner Worlds, then your ceremonies and containers will reflect that, feeling surface-level or superficial to some degree, lacking the depth you desire and the lasting impact on those you guide.
It is your deeply grounded roots, grown through exploration of your own Inner Landscape, that allows you to access, awaken and embody your Inner Light.
It is also the depth of your roots that gives others the space to explore the depths of their own Inner Worlds, thereby granting them access to awakening and embodying their own Inner Light.
This is for you if you desire to
Deepen your own personal spiritual connection in order to guide others to these same depths (and heights)
Combine ancient shamanic wisdom with modern science to bring harmony to body-mind-spirit
Learn the art of creating strong energetic containers, opening & closing portals and more
Learn energetic cleansing & energetic hygiene techniques to ensure a clean, pure energy in your spaces
Work with your Spirit Team to support the healing & reclamations in your containers
Guide & track others in Shamanic Journeying to facilitate deep healing, Soul Retrieval, DNA & Soul Activations, Power Animal & Spirit Animal Retrieval, and more
Facilitate shamanic, somatic & nature-based healing ceremonies
Move beyond self-doubt, negative programming & self-sabotage to claim your role as a Sacred Space-Holder and Facilitator of healing containers
Align your Intentions, Actions & Purpose (Body, Mind & Soul)
Heal & resolve your own physical, emotional & energetic wounds to embody your true Soul essence in your life and your offerings
Strengthen your Intuition and trust your channel
Experience profound growth in your facilitation skills & long-lasting healing in your containers within a community of New Earth Leaders & Facilitators
Mastering these skills will make you a deeply impactful facilitator that others will want t0 work with, attracting those who are ready to go deep and receive profound healing & reclamations.
sacred space: SHamanic foundations of facilitation Training
In order to guide others to the immense depths of healing and reclamation that await them, you must first go deep into yourself. This is why, in the 16 weeks of the Sacred Space: Shamanic Foundations of Facilitation Training, we have structured it using the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel to guide our path.
Starting in the East, we begin our first revolution around the Medicine Wheel. The first 8 weeks of the training are centered around your own self-exploration, healing and empowerment. As you move through each of the Four Directions, you will experience the healing and wisdom that is found within each of these directions. You will also be intimately learning the art of Shamanic Journeying, how to open and close sacred spaces and healing portals, learning who your unique Spirit Guides are and how to work with them (both within and outside of ceremonial spaces), and much more. This first half of the program is devoted to clearing energetic blockages, getting clear on your Vision and Intention, laying strong Inner Foundations and fully claiming your unique Medicine.
As we arrive back in the East and begin our second revolution around the Medicine Wheel, the second 8 weeks will be dedicated to strengthening your skills as a facilitator of healing work using Shamanic and Somatic modalities. As you move through each of the Four Directions again, you will learn how to guide others into the realms you have just intimately explored, leading your clients to their own experiences of healing, growth, Soul Retrieval, DNA and Soul Activations and more. You will also learn how to hold clients in an trauma-informed way and support your clients in the integration process, the most important aspect of any type of healing work. This allows you to not only take your clients to deeper levels of healing and reclamation, but also allows you to support them in actually implementing the wisdom they receive in your containers, leading the clients you serve to even greater levels of healing, growth, reclamation and embodiment of their own Innate Wisdom and Inner Light.
What’s Included
16 weeks of program materials & video lessons discussing Shamanic & Somatic modalities for yourself and your clients
Somatic & trauma-informed Integration Mentoring
Weekly Integration / Q&A Calls
Bi-monthly group virtual breathwork journeys (8 total)
3-4 Shamanic Journeys per week
Training in facilitating Shamanic Journeying, Shamanic Energy Healing, Portal Creation and more
Breathing Practices and Nature-based Practices
Shamanic Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel, Spirit Animals & Guides, and more
Teachings on using instruments, totems, crystals
Energy Cleansing & Energetic Hygiene Techniques
WhatsApp Community Support
2 months of Post-Training Integration Support
And more...
For questions or to secure your spot in this training, contact Greg at:
+1-360-773-5885 (WhatsApp) /
Meet Your facilitator
Greg Moran
Greg is a trauma-informed Breathwork Facilitator, Shamanic Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, Embodiment & Integration Mentor and Nature Connection Guide and is the founder of Eagle Oak Alchemy, an organization focused on shamanic & somatic healing and practitioner trainings in shamanic & somatic modalities.
Through healing his body from ulcerative colitis using natural and sacred plant medicines, he experienced the intimate connection and interplay between the physical and spiritual planes of reality. As a result, he began to explore more deeply the practices and modalities that bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual experiences.
This led him to study as a Breathwork Journey facilitator, a practice that has profoundly changed the trajectory of his life through the deep spiritual insights, trauma resolution and Soul Activations gained through Breathwork Journeys.
Greg spontaneously had his first Shamanic Journey during his daily morning meditation practice, which was a deeply profound experience. To further explore these realms, Greg began mentoring underneath a shaman, Joy White Peacock, while living in San Diego, CA, training him in energy healing, plant/animal/crystal communication, and most notably, Shamanic Journeying. This allowed him to make quantum leaps in his understanding of these realms, as well as how best to traverse these non-physical landscapes and integrate the immense wisdom gained from these journeys.
Over the past 3 years, Greg has travelled the world hosting retreats, workshops and trainings. In that time, he has met a number of facilitators seeking to deepen the impact of their own ceremonial containers, yet now knowing how. Greg came to realize that there is a significant gap in the foundational facilitation skills that are often overlooked in many facilitator trainings, regardless of the modality.
This is why the Sacred Space: Shamanic Foundations of Facilitation Training was born: To provide facilitators with the deep connection and embodiment of their Medicine, as well as the knowledge and skills needed to create strong, clean energetic containers for the purposes of healing and reclamation.
Greg is grateful to share this work with others, guiding others to their unique Medicine and training the facilitators, space-holders and leaders of the New Earth.
The Program
Opening in the East: Jan 11 - 24
Opening Ceremony (1/11)
Exploring the Medicine of the East
Opening Portals, Sacred Space, Intention, Energy
Shamanic Journeys - Dreaming Tree & Spirit Animals
Breathwork Journey (1/15 - Full Moon)
The South: Jan 25 - Feb 7
Exploring the Medicine of the South
Laying Foundations, Building the Vision, Instruments
Shamanic Journeys - Power Animals, Foundations
Breathwork Journey (1/29 - New Moon)
The West: Feb 8 - Feb 21
Exploring the Medicine of the West
Shadow Work, Inner Child Healing, Soul Retrieval
Shamanic Journeys - Lower Worlds
Breathwork Journey (2/15 - Full Moon)
The North: Feb 22 - Mar 8
Exploring the Medicine of the North
Higher Perspectives, Soul & DNA Activations
Shamanic Journeys - Upper Worlds
Breathwork Journey (2/27 - New Moon)
Group Calls and Q&A Sessions will take place every Friday at
12pm EST / 5pm GMT (unless otherwise stated during program).
*Program schedule subject to change
The East: Mar 8 - 21
Revolution 2: Sacred Space Keeper
Facilitation in the East
Intention, Sacred Space, Tracking in Facilitation
Shamanic Journeys
Breathwork Journey (3/13 - Full Moon)
The South: Mar 22 - Apr 4
Facilitation in the South
Foundations of Facilitation, Working with Spirit Team
Shamanic Journeys
Breathwork Journey (3/27 - New Moon)
The West: Apr 5 - Apr 18
Facilitation in the West
Guiding Lower World Journeys
Shamanic Journeys
Breathwork Journey (4/10 - Full Moon)
The North: Apr 19 - May 2
Facilitation in the North
Guiding Upper World Journeys
Shamanic Journeys
Breathwork Journey (4/24 - New Moon)
Close in the East: May 3
Moving Forward, Post-Requisites
Integration & Embodiment
Sharing Your Unique Medicine
Walking the Beauty Way
You’re ready to take the impact of your ceremonies to the next level!
You feel the call to be a facilitator, space-holder and leader for the New Earth.
It is time for you to remember your power and embody your Medicine.
Sign up now to claim your spot in the Sacred Space: Shamanic Foundations of Facilitation Training!
For questions or to secure your spot in this training, contact Greg at:
+1-360-773-5885 (WhatsApp) /