Heal UC Naturally

In this 1:1 coaching program, Heal UC Naturally, work with me directly to learn how you can heal your body from ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, and other chronic gastrointestinal diseases. In signing up for this program, you will be receiving the tools, resources, practices, information, and direct personal support that will allow you to achieve greater levels of health, vitality, and strength on your personal healing journey.

My Story

In 2014, I began to notice irregularities in my digestion. Over the following year, my digestion continued to worsen, leading to constant pain, endless cycles of constipation/diarrhea, and a feeling of hopelessness as my body degraded before my eyes. Doctors wouldn’t take me seriously when I told them about what I was experiencing, telling me to just “eat more fiber” (not what you want to do with chronic GI diseases). Finally, in October of 2015, when my health was at its worst, I was finally given a diagnosis: ulcerative colitis.

Over the following three years, I chose to implement massive lifestyle changes that ultimately led to me completely healing my ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune disease that every doctor I saw told me was life-long with no cure. Through healthy diet, cannabis oil (Rick Simpson Oil), mindfulness/embodiment practices, detoxification, and other natural and alternative healing modalities, I was able to achieve the seemingly impossible and fully heal my body from UC in 2018. What this showed me is that, without a doubt, the body is able to heal when the right conditions are created through focused intention, aligned action, and steadfast discipline and consistency.

In the years since 2018, I have pursued training as a Naturopathic Coach, Breathwork Facilitater, Yoga and Meditation Instructor, Nature Connection Guide, Shamanic Energy Healer and Reiki Practitioner, Sound Healer, and more. The knowledge, wisdom, and experience that I have gained from working in these fields has strengthened my personal understanding of the deeper layers of what true healing entails, allowing me to more effectively guide others in my offerings and programs.

I highlight and discuss various aspects of my healing journey throughout my blog posts, which you can access here. However, in signing up for this program, you will gain direct 1:1 support, a wealth of knowledge and information, personalized diet plans and outlines, personalized mindfulness and embodiment practices, and more.

Your body holds all the answers.


What this program entails:

In “Heal UC Naturally”, you embark upon an experiential journey into what actually facilitates long-lasting healing in the body. Through explorations into the central pillars of the program (Diet/Nutrition, Cannabis Oil and Endocannabinoid System Support, Detoxification, and Mindfulness/Embodiment Practices), you will be able to logically understand, as well as personally experience, the profound healing potential that lies within each of these pillars. You can learn more about each of these pillars by clicking the dropdown menu to the right.

What sets this program apart is that it is the culmination of nearly a decade of research, trial and error, and personal experience, combined with the wisdom and experience gained from my training and work in Naturopathic Coaching, Breathwork, Yoga & Meditation, Shamanic Energy Healing and Reiki, Sound Healing, and more.

In this program, I share with you the specific actions that I took, the practices that I engaged in, and the protocols that I followed that led to me being able to fully heal my body from UC in 2018. What this means is that, in signing up for this program and allowing me to be your guide, you save invaluable time and energy because you are receiving the specific tools and techniques that have been shown to actually facilitate healing, as well as personalized guidance and attention throughout the process. That, in my opinion, is priceless.

  • Learn why diet is so important when it comes to overall health, as well as why the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) is so effective in conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, and other Gi disorders. You will receive direct personal guidance on how to best implement specific diet protocols into your lifestyle, as well as personalized plans, tips and tricks for making any diet delicious and fun, and more!

  • Learn about one of the most understudied areas of human physiology, the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), and its role in regulating homeostasis (balance and harmony) in every system in the body, including the nervous system and immune system. You will also receive personalized guidance and support in Cannabis Oil supplementation, should you choose to implement this modality. This is, in my opinion, one of the most important pieces that I discovered in my own healing journey, and was the paramount piece in being able to fully heal my body from ulcerative colitis.

  • Learn about how to naturally detox your body from heavy metals, molds, and mycotoxins in a safe and effective way that facilitates holistic long-term health, leading to an overall reset of your health on a cellular level. In a world filled with so many environmental toxins and pollutants, this information is key to achieving and maintaining long-lasting health.

  • Learn how you can utilize Breathwork, Yoga, Meditation, and a number of other mindfulness and embodiment practices to facilitate enhanced health and wellness on all levels of your Being. Through connecting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life experience through the implementation of these practices, you begin to truly heal yourself in a holistic manner. Together, we will work to create a list of practices and modalities that will suit your individual needs and desires, allowing you to gain the most benefit from these practices.


You have everything you need within you to heal.

I am here to provide the resources and support to guide you to that realization.

Take control of your health

Chronic disease can be an amazing teacher if we let it. My journey through ulcerative colitis taught me so much about myself, such as the power of discipline, the amounts of strength and resiliency I possess, the importance of conscious diet and lifestyle choices, and the invaluable awareness of being able to truly listen to what my body is telling me in each moment while cultivating unshakeable resiliency. Ultimately, I learned to trust myself and, in the process, realized that I have what it takes to make it through anything. If you are reading these words, then I want you to know that you have what it takes too.

In signing up for the “Heal UC Naturally” program, you are making a commitment to yourself, to your health, and to your life. You are making the conscious choice to take control of your health, steering it in the direction you want to go and working towards creating the life you desire to live.

In choosing to cultivate the lifestyle, mindset, and discipline necessary to be able to heal your body from chronic disease, you are setting yourself up for success in more than just your physical health. It is the beginning of a beautiful journey of self-discovery, personal healing, growth, and expansion beyond what you can currently imagine.

This program is for you if you are truly ready to commit to yourself, to take the reigns of your health and steer yourself from the bleak future of fate towards the fulfillment of your personal destiny. Your body holds all the answers, waiting to be awakened and reclaimed.

If you are ready to do what it takes to reclaim your health and begin to live the life you desire, I invite you to schedule a free 30 minute call to learn if this program is right for you.

What you receive:

  • You receive one personalized 60-90 minute coaching session per week (4 per month). In these sessions, you will receive 1:1 guidance and support in whatever ways best serve you. We will discuss whatever is alive for you, such as your current condition, dietary needs, celebrations and victories, and anything else that may arise. These calls are tailored to meet your specific needs, where anything and everything is on the table to discuss, launching you on a trajectory towards greater levels of health. I am here for you in whatever way you may need during these coaching calls.

  • Through creating personalized diet plans, you can begin to take control of your health and steer it in the direction you wish to go. Through honest assessments of your progress, we will determine which foods currently do and don’t agree with your body. By learning to listen to your body’s messages, you enhance your awareness of the foods which support you in living your best life, maximizing your health and well-being in the process.

  • You will be provided with personalized guided meditations, yoga flows, and breathing practices designed to regulate your nervous system, calm your mind and body, and cultivate deep connection with your body. These practices are paramount to creating a stable foundation upon which to cultivate vibrant health. Receive unique recordings of the personalized practices that will support you, your nervous system, and your health along your journey.

  • When it comes to calming down the mind and body, personal practices are paramount in establishing nervous system regulation. We will work together to choose and implement the personal practices that will best support you on your healing journey. We will discuss which practices you are most interested in exploring, allowing me to guide you in how best to engage in that practice for healing to occur.

  • You will also receive additional support in the form of email and WhatsApp conversations, allowing you to reach out with questions or concerns between coaching sessions.

  • Receive discounted pricing on other offerings from True Health Awakening, such as private Breathwork Journeys, Reiki sessions, Events, and more!


on every level, Your body is designed to heal. Remember this always:

True health is your birthright.


  • 30 DAYS (1 MONTH): $888

    With this 30 day program, you will receive four 1:1 coaching sessions, personalized diet plans, guided meditations/yoga/breathwork recordings, discounts on other THA offerings, and more. The information and experience you gain from these 30 days will provide you with a foundational understanding of what you can use to cultivate greater levels of health in your personal healing journey.

    Pricing: $888
    Payment plans available upon request.

  • 90 DAYS (3 MONTHS): $2555

    In selecting this 90 day option, you are able to go deep into your healing, receiving personalized guidance and support through weekly 1:1 coaching sessions (12 total), dietary plans and assessments, guided meditations/yoga/breathwork recordings, discounts on other THA offerings, and more. During these 3 months, you will receive invaluable knowledge and experiences that will set you up for greater levels of success in health and wellness that will last long after the program has ended.

    Pricing: $2555
    Payment plans available upon request.

  • 180 DAYS (6 MONTHS): $5111

    In selecting this 180 day/6 month coaching option, you are giving yourself the most opportunity to positively effect you health and well-being. In this, you will receive weekly 1:1 coaching sessions (24 total), dietary planning and assessments, guided meditations/yoga/breathwork recordings, discounts on other THA offerings, and additional support as needed. The greatest benefit of this option is that we have more time together to really focus on your personal healing. This additional time provides us with an opportunity to really get to know your body, allowing us to craft a plan that works specifically for you. The benefits you will receive from these 6 months will last long after this program has come to an end, setting up a solid foundation for you to build upon for the rest of your life.

    Pricing: $5111
    Payment plans available upon request.

Are you ready to heal your body and claim the life that you desire?

If your answer is a resounding “Yes”, then I invite you to schedule your free 30 minute Call to find out how to work with me to support you in your healing journey.