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Lion’s Gate Portal (8/8) Virtual Breathwork Journey

Note: Timezone listed is in Central European Summer Time (CEST). Please ensure this time works for you in your current timezone.

Join me for a powerful group virtual breathwork journey as we step through the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8, one of the most powerful portals of the year!

The number 8 has long been associated with divine activations, wealth, prosperity and purpose. On this extremely powerful Lion’s Gate Portal, we will open the ceremonial space and set powerful intentions, allowing the frequencies of 8/8 to magnify the energy of your intentions. This will be followed by a Breathwork Journey that will amplify and supercharge our intentions, clearing out any old stagnant energies and granting clarity for the path ahead.

These containers are often life-changing and can result in profound healings and reclamations, granting you greater levels of presence, clarity, and love for yourself and your life. I look forward to seeing you there!

Note: Timezone listed in is Central European Summer Time (CEST). Please ensure your timezone works for the Breathwork Journey.

Note: Must have Zoom and Spotify Premium in order to receive the full Breathwork Journey experience.

In signing up, you are also eligible to receive a discounted price on an 60-90 minute Post-Journey Integration Session with me, where we discuss in-depth your experience and discover how best to integrate what it was you received in the Breathwork Journey. Integration is the most important part of any ceremonial experience and receiving the guidance and support of a skilled facilitator can oftentimes make ALL the difference when it comes to getting the most out of the experience. Link to sign up for the discounted rate will be provided in Confirmation Email, as well as Post-Journey Email.

If you know you will be wanting to attend multiple Virtual Breathwork Journey Events, sign up for either the 3-Pack or 5-Pack options and save money! The benefits from this work are cumulative, so the more you do this work, the more you are able to receive from each individual Breathwork Journey. Sign up now for a package and save!

Individual Virtual Breathwork Journey: $44

Virtual Breathwork Journey 3-Pack: $123

Virtual Breathwork Journey 5-Pack: $200

Please reach out with any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you in the ceremonial space!

July 29

Group Virtual Breathwork Ceremony

August 16

Elevate Festival!!!