30 Days of Breath Connection

is an exploration of how you can use your Breath in your daily life for your greatest expression! Through daily Breathing Practices, Journal Prompts, Guided Meditations, Discussions, and more, you will learn how to connect with your breath in a way that allows you to enhance your connection to life on every level.

Greater levels of overall health, more efficient detoxing, more vibrant energy, optimal digestion, greater states of inner peace and presence, and greater connection to yourself and the world around you.

All of it is possible through the breath.

Your breath is the only part of the Autonomic Nervous System that is able to be controlled. By doing so, you can learn to regulate your nervous system, entering into parasympathetic states (rest, digest, regeneration) to activate the body’s natural healing capabilities and bringing you into deep states of peace and presence.

The Breath is the Master Teacher.

And the invitation is to explore your inner worlds, enhancing your life on every level in the process.

Your body holds all the answers. Your Breath is the Key.

“Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health. If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly. There is no single more powerful, or more simple, daily practice to further your health and well-being than breathwork.”

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

What this course entails

  • Each of the 30 days will contain a unique breathing practice accompanied with knowledge and wisdom about its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. Through these daily breathing practices, you will be able to experience firsthand how each specific technique can be used to enhance your day-to-day life.

  • After each breathing practice, you will have journal prompts to record your experience, describe any feelings, emotions or sensations that arose, and more! This is a powerful part of the journey that helps you to ground, integrate, and track your experiences throughout.

  • Through the guided meditations, learn to deepen into a meditative journey-space through the Breath, tapping into your intuition and imagination and gain valuable insights from your Inner Wisdom.

  • Included in this program are teachings on the science and spirituality of Breath throughout the ages. Using both modern and ancient wisdom-teachings, you gain a strong foundational understanding of how Breath can be utilized to optimize your health, improve digestion and detoxification, boost your energy levels, calm and soothe stress and anxiety, and much more!

"For Breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on Earth."

-Sanskrit Proverb

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"The most incredible thing about breathwork is that it truly allows you to become your own healer."

-Eryn Johnson

What each week entails

Week 1: Proper breathing

Week 1 is all about learning how to breathe properly.

There is a major lack of education about proper breathing in our modern world, leading to the majority of people taking short, shallow breaths, oftentimes all through the mouth. This leads to a number of detrimental physiological effects, such as increased levels of stress and sympathetic activation, poorer posture, lower energy levels and chronic fatigue, facial deformities, and can contribute significantly to the onset of chronic disease.

However, by learning to breathe properly, we can reverse these adverse effects and actually begin to regain and cultivate greater levels of health in the body. When we begin to work with the way our body was designed to function, we can begin to anchor in greater health, greater energy levels, lower levels of stress and anxiety, and more vibrancy and vitality in life overall!

By learning to breathe properly and making simple changes, the whole trajectory of your health and your life can change massively for the better.

Week 2: Yogic/mystic breathing

In week 2, we begin to dive into various different breathing styles used throughout the ages in mystic and yogic traditions from around the world. The ancients knew the power of the breath and developed various techniques over the centuries that allowed them to connect with the body and harness the immense amount of energy available to us via the breath.

We will be exploring yogic pranayama (breathing patterns), breathing techniques from the sufi mystical traditions, tantric breathing practices, and more!

This is a fun exploration that will allow you to experience ways that the breath has been used throughout time to access deeper levels of reality and elevated states of consciousness.

Week 3: Kundalini Yoga Pranayama

Week 3 will be diving deep into the world of Kundalini Yoga pranayama techniques.

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient and advanced spiritual technology that has been used for thousands of years for self-mastery, clearing stagnant energies, cleansing the auric and energetic bodies, and in bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual planes of reality.

Each of the breathing practices we will do in this week are powerful techniques to go deep within yourself, giving you an experiential glimpse of what is possible through the conscious, intentional control of the breath, as well as how to harness the power of prana to empower your life in a multitude of ways.

Week 4: Breath meditations

Week 4 will be an exploration of breath and the spaces it can take you in meditative states.

Through using the breath and activating the imagination (inner vision) in states of deep calm and relaxation, you are able to venture into the non-physical realms of reality to gain insight, clarity, healing, and personal empowerment.

These are powerful meditations meant to activate your inner senses, connect with yourself and the world around you, and expand your level of awareness, consciousness, and gratitude for this life.

Bonus: two full Breath connection classes

To finish off the 30 Day of Breath Connection, you will experience two full Breath Connection classes. These classes are beautiful containers where the information and techniques that you’ve engaged in over the past 4 weeks are blended together in a flow that allows you to go even deeper into the breath, harnessing your intuition while bringing the body into states of regeneration and healing.



30 Days of Breath Connection allows you to gain access to a wealth of knowledge, as well as hours of direct experience of how you can use your breath as a gateway to greater levels of health, vitality, and presence, as well as heightened levels of connection and clarity in all areas of your life.

For a limited time only, try out the first 3 days for FREE! After that, you will have the option to continue with your journey of Breath Connection by signing up for the remaining 3 weeks.

Empower your 2024 by learning how to harness the power of your own breath.

If you are ready to embark on this journey

then I invite you to join 30 Days of Breath Connection and experience firsthand how you can use your Breath to deepen your intimacy with Life.